An urban rail transit hazard evaluation methodology based on Grey system theory
Application of fuzzy quantitative theory for crash rate prediction at roadway sections
Capacity analysis of unsignalized intersection under mixed traffic conditions
Comparison of operation performance of diamond interchanges between China and U.S.A
Delay modeling of ped-veh system based on pedestrian crossing at signalized intersection
Develop calibration factors for crash prediction models for rural two-lane roadways in Illinois
Driver eye height: Experimental determination and implications on sight distances
Driver response time of queuing vehicles at urban signalized intersections
Emergency evacuation capacity of subway stations
Empirical analysis on relationship between traffic conditions and crash occurrences
Evaluation of car-following models using trajectory data from real traffic
Evaluation of the effectiveness of variable advisory speed system on queue mitigation in work zones
Impacts of a cooperative variable speed limit system
Modeling analysis of incident and roadway clearance time
Multi-agencies cooperation on urban pedestrian safety and the development of countermeasures
Overtaking behavior on divided highways under mixed traffic conditions
Passing maneuver: Models, surveys and simulation
Perceptual process for bicyclist microcosmic behavior
Proposal and application of a new method for bicycle network planning
Simple cognitive heuristics applied to modeling pedestrian behavior dynamics
Solving the last mile problem: Ensure the success of public bicycle system in Beijing
Study on capacity of urban expressway weaving segments
The campus road planning and design research
Vehicle classification method based on single-point magnetic sensor