A model for trialing alcohol ignition interlocks in Queensland
An evaluation of a saliva-based drug screening device in melbourne
An evaluation of interventions aimed at increasing restraint use in Whyalla, South Australia
ANCIS: in-depth crash injury research in Australia
Applying first principles for the design of crashworthy systems for road safety
Behavioural strategies for enhancing road safety through passengers
Big prime movers: why does Australia have serious problems and how do we fix them?
BioRID: a crash test dummy for rear impact: a review of development, validation and evaluation
British road safety strategy to 2010: target setting, monitoring and research
Child restraint research and awareness campaign
Coloured surfacing of pedestrian cross-walks at traffic signals
Community perceptions of speeding
Crash counting: a review of fleet crash reporting in the UK
Crash related risks in New Zealand 1989-90 and 1997-98
Crash simulation modelling of a pipefence barrier system
Cycle audit and cycle review: a scoping study
Cyclist safety in Queensland: crash factors and countermeasures
Dinosaurs, the flat earth, and road safety research in Australia
Does the crash rate really double for each 5 km/h above 60 km/h?
Driver speed compliance in Western Australia
Effectiveness of graduated driver licensing
Effects of information on purchase of booster seats
Estimated casualty crash reductions from reduced travelling speeds
Evaluation of perceptual countermeasure treatments
Harm minimisation for victims of road trauma
Identifying the causes and consequences of motor vehicle injuries in China
Interactions between guardrails, cars and passive safety systems
Introducing speed cameras in the ACT: how to win friends and influence people
Licensed premises identification system
Lower urban speed limits: what are the pieces of the jigsaw telling us at this point in time?
Measuring road safety culture in relation to speed
Medicinal drugs and traffic collisions: evidence, issues and challenges
Older pedestrians: moving from a high recognition of problems to an effective local response
Pedestrian crash risk in queensland: trends and strategic directions for intervention
Physiological indicators of driver fatigue
Provus' discrepancy evaluation of the DriveSmart novice driver CD-ROM training product
RACV education programs for schools: work in progress
Road accident analysis: a visual approach: using a GIS approach to analysing accident information
Road safety audit: The South East Transit Busway Project experience
Road safety issues for people of non-English speaking backgrounds
School environment safety guidelines
School zones in South Australia: getting it right!
Self-reported seatbelt use and related attitudes
Shaping up to ship it out: an examination of heavy vehicle drivers' health and lifestyle
Simulation of car frontal impact tests of two types of roadside lighting columns
Simulator-based evaluation of the DriveSmart novice driver CD-ROM training product
Sleep apnea and driving in NSW transport drivers
Sleep driving knowledge in NSW adolescents
The culture of joyriding in Queensland: the offenders perspective
The effects of prescribed opioid pharmacotherapies on driving skills: preliminary analysis
The fatigue management program: alternatives to prescription
The feasibility of assigning severity to injuries coded in ICD-10-AM
The future of traffic enforcement through the enhanced promotion of road safety principles
The iceberg principle: the knock-on effects of addressing the safety of "special needs" road users
The Kwazulu-Natal road safety project: enforcement, technology and the community
The NSW young drivers' cohort study
The prisoners' dilemma: a game theoretic approach to vehicle safety
The sensitivity and bias of older driver judgements in an arrival-time task
Towards a heavy vehicle safety strategy
Traffic safety education training for student teachers
Vehicle compatibility: get the geometry and interfaces right first
What do children learn at an interactive road safety exhibition?