A methodical approach to examine conflicts in context of driver - autonomous vehicle - interaction
A survey study measuring people's preferences towards automated and non-automated ridesplitting
An investigation of measuring driver anger with electromyography
Are driving simulators suitable to measure the driving competence of elderly drivers?
Autonomous vehicle interactions with other road users: conflicts and resolutions
Can virtual reality headsets be used to measure accurately drivers' anticipatory behaviors?
Cognitive load during automation affects gaze behaviours and transitions to manual steering control
Consumer comfort with vehicle automation: changes over time
Consumer confusion with levels of vehicle automation
Dark personality and road crashes: mediating role of driver vengeance and violations
Design and evaluation of adaptive collision avoidance systems
Drivers fail to calibrate to optic flow speed changes during automated driving
Drivers' assessment of hazard perception
Driving simulator assessment of fitness-to-drive following traumatic brain injury
Effect of alert presentation mode and hazard direction on driver takeover from an autonomous vehicle
Effects of inaccurate gaze behavior on young drivers' hazard anticipation
Eye contact between pedestrians and drivers
German validation of the Prosocial and Aggressive Driving Inventory (PADI)
Hacking nonverbal communication between pedestrians and vehicles in virtual reality
How demanding is "just driving?" A cognitive workload - psychophysiological reference evaluation
Impact of headlight glare on pedestrian detection with unilateral cataract
Improving driver engagement during L2 automation: a pilot study
In the context of whole trips: new insights into driver management of attention and tasks
Is driving simulation a viable method for examining drivers' ethical choices? An exploratory study
Magnetoencephalography during simulated driving: a new paradigm for driver assessment
Mind-wandering and driving: comparing thought report and individual difference measures
Posing questions and policy suggestions: autonomous vehicles & climate change
Predicting a driver's personality from daily driving behavior
Real-time effects of age-related cognitive dysfunction on driver vehicle control
Recognition of manual driving distraction through deep-learning and wearable sensing
Spatially biased eye movements in older drivers with glaucoma and visual field defects
Speed anticipation characteristic with optical flow for driver behavior assessment of older drivers
The conspicuity benefits of bicycle taillights in daylight
The dynamic merge: using traffic volume based signing to improve workzone throughput
The effect of a concussion on the hazard anticipation ability in teen drivers
The impact of crosswalk design on driver performance: implications for pedestrian safety
Understanding lane-keeping assist: does control intervention enhance perceived capability?
Using a driving simulator to create a visual search test for drivers with Parkinson's disease
Vehicle familiarity and relative risk of fatal crash involvement
Where you look during automation influences where you steer after take-over