A genetic model of impulsivity, vulnerability to drug abuse and schizophrenia-relevant symptoms with translational potential: the Roman high- vs. low-avoidance rats
Development of threat expression following infant maltreatment: infant and adult enhancement but adolescent attenuation
Differential associations of deprivation and threat with cognitive control and fear conditioning in early childhood
Early life exposure to violence: developmental consequences on brain and behavior
Infant trauma alters social buffering of threat learning: emerging role of prefrontal cortex in preadolescence
Intersubject synchronization of late adolescent brain responses to violent movies: a virtue-ethics approach
Peer victimization and dysfunctional reward processing: ERP and behavioral responses to social and monetary rewards
The approach behavior to angry words in athletes-a pilot study
Timing is of the essence: improvement in perception during active sensing
Traumatic brain injury modifies the relationship between physical activity and global and cognitive health: results from the Barcelona Brain Health Initiative