A 10-year cohort study of traumatic brain injury at tertiary care hospital [conference abstract #284]
A deep learning computer vision injury prediction tool (MALTA)-pilot study [conference abstract #513]
A four-country survey of violence to healthcare providers [conference abstract #202]
A narrative summary of post-mortem evaluations of injury cases [conference abstract #273]
A naturalistic observation study of motorcycle helmet use rates in Antananarivo, Madagascar [conference abstract #33]
A systematic review of dog bite prevention strategies [conference abstract #259]
Access to specialist care and injury survivability: a study of prehospital fatalities [conference abstract #374]
Addressing racial and ethnic disparities in drowning rates in the United States [conference abstract #382]
Adolescent unintentional injury: quantifying global burden and identification of effective prevention strategies [conference abstract #216]
Adult reality gaps of water competence and drowning risk in open water [conference abstract #50]
Adverse childhood experiences attributable to the U.S. opioid crisis [conference abstract #498]
Advocacy towards improvement of road safety legal and policy environment in Tanzania [conference abstract #298]
Advocating for a law mandating child restraint systems use in the Philippines [conference abstract #223]
Age-related differences in recalling of a history of traumatic brain injury [conference abstract #238]
Agricultural injuries in Northern State (Haryana) of India: causal factors and magnitude [conference abstract #258]
An evidence and gap map of the effectiveness of road safety interventions [conference abstract #232]
An in-vehicle technology intervention to improve safe driving in high-risk teens [conference abstract #434]
An industry guide to reduce life-threatening injuries and death to infants [conference abstract #393]
Analysis of hospital admissions for workplace violence in Victoria, Australia: 2009/10-2020/21 [conference abstract #429]
Analysis of human error to road crash in metro Manila (2005-2015) [conference abstract #87]
Analysis of mortality due to home and leisure injuries, France, 2012-2016 [conference abstract #476]
Analysis of the national vehicular crash cases surveillance from 2010 to 2019 [conference abstract #78]
Application of a machine learning-based decision support tool in injury surveillance system [conference abstract #391]
Application of multi-state survival methods to randomized clinical trials of concussion rehabilitation [conference abstract #436]
Applying data science to improve timeliness of injury data analysis and visualization [conference abstract #37]
Asking the right questions--understanding child farm-related injury and death [conference abstract #342}
Assessment of child restraint use practices between random and self-selected sampling methods [conference abstract #409]
Assessment of policy and services for war-related injuries in Kabul, Afghanistan [conference abstract #546]
Assessment of sub-national compliance of Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2019 in India [conference abstract #495]
Australian Injury Comorbidity Indices (AICIs) to predict in-hospital complications among injury patients [conference abstract #86]
Awakening the engagement of the communities and local leaders on road safety [conference abstract #522]
Awareness level of unmanned aerial vehicle for construction safety management in India [conference abstract #452]
Bangladeshi women's experiences of violence and threats to safety on public transport [conference abstract #285]
Beirut port blast: a multi-center study to assess injury characteristics and outcomes [conference abstract #332]
Best-evidence synthesis: effectiveness of child drowning prevention interventions [conference abstract #481]
Binge drinking and drunk driving among current drinkers in Thailand [conference abstract #17]
Bridging the gaps in Anti-Bullying interventions from UAE 's Policymakers Perspectives [conference abstract #293]
Burn related violence against women and girls: an ISBI Initiative [conference abstract #281]
Catalyzing advancements in injury prevention research: development of a statewide data warehouse [conference abstract #464]
Cause of road crashes among students in Huye and Kigali City [conference abstract #206]
Causes of admitted farm injuries among those aged 60+ years, Victoria [conference abstract #176]
Challenges in providing emergency response during COVID-19 at coastal areas of Bangladesh [conference abstract #136]
Changes in cause-specific mortality among older adults in the United States, 1999-2020 [conference abstract #165]
Changes in suicide in Bangladesh: findings from BHIS 2003 and 2016 [conference abstract #443]
Changing drug overdose deaths patterns where US rates are highest: global implications [conference abstract #558]
Characteristics of high priority and high burden road traffic injuries in Victoria [conference abstract #269]
Child bicyclist injuries and the built environment: a case-crossover study [conference abstract #425]
Child bicyclists' perceptions of safety: applying Haddon's matrix to a qualitative study [conference abstract #424 ]
Child supervision in public pools: caregiver knowledge and perceptions of their responsibilities [conference abstract #582]
Childhood drowning prevention efforts in Bangladesh: exemplary for LMICs [conference abstract #456]
Circumstances and consequences of pediatric violence-related injuries presenting at hospital in Mozambique [conference abstract #4]
Circumstances associated with suicides among American Indian/Alaska Native Persons -- NVDRS, 2015-2020 [conference abstract #127]
Climate change: an overlooked threat multiplier for drowning [conference abstract #160]
Co-production and implementation fidelity evaluation of the 'Stay-One-Step-Ahead' child home safety programme [conference abstract #211]
Coaching for Healthy AGEing trial - a cluster-randomised controlled trial [conference abstract #141]
Coding quality of global elderly fall mortality data and its impact, 1990-2019 [conference abstract #101]
Communications program raises awareness of drowning prevention in Vietnam [conference abstrac #119]
Community Opioid Dispensing after Injury (CODI): novel data linkage [conference abstract #326]
Comparative analysis of off-road vehicle crashes in children: motorcycles vs quad-bikes [conference abstract #234]
Comparison of manually and algorithm derived injury severity scores [conference abstract #84]
COVID-19's impact on child-drowning prevention activities in rural communities of Bangladesh [conference abstract #542]
Creating safer road designs: star ratings for road safety audits [conference abstract #302]
Data-driven advocacy to strengthen implementation of standard helmet use in Bengaluru, India [ #365]
Demographic and background factors impacting aquatic competence in children: a systematic review [conference abstract #190]
Detecting cases of antidepressant poisoning in Victorian hospital emergency department data [conference abstract #547]
Determinants of unplanned readmission following self-inflicted and non-self-inflicted major injury [conference abstract #39]
Development and validation of inpatient fall prediction models using digital hospital systems [conference abstract #358]
Development of a National Sports Injury Data Asset to inform prevention strategies [conference abstract #400]
Development of a web-based application prototype of nursing record for trauma patients [conference abstract #47]
Development of self-learning web application: first aid for road accident victims [conference abstract #48]
Disability among injured migrants: Prospective Outcomes of Injury Study (POIS) 12-year outcomes [conference abstract #132]
Does location matter? Assessing the heat risk of common artificial sports surfaces [conference abstract #519]
Domestic violence homicide in Maputo Province, Mozambique [conference abstract #566]
Drink driving problem in Poland against other European countries [conference abstract #157]
Drowning among children 5-14 years in Australia: risk factors and locations [conference abstract #354]
Drowning among older people: risk factors for falls into water [conference abstract #138]
Effect of an integrated child drowning prevention intervention on ECD and learning [conference abstract #380]
Effect of infrastructural development on bicycle safety in Delhi, India [conference abstract #261]
Effect of speed humps on injuries consequences on highways transversing through towns [conference abstract #20]
Effects of multi-component programmes in preventing alcohol sales to intoxicated nightlife patrons [conference abstract #143]
Elderly behavior video database for innovative and safe universal design of environments [conference abstract #565]
Epidemiology of ambulance attended falls in adults in WA 2015-2020 [conference abstract #181]
Epidemiology of non-fatal childhood burn injuries in Bangladesh [conference abstract #524]
Equestrian helmet use in movies: an opportunity for injury prevention? [conference abstract #504]
Establishing an approach to collect nationally representative drowning data in Ghana [conference abstract #383]
Evaluating safety at roundabouts using macroscopic and microscopic safety indicators [conference abstract #98]
Evaluation of a sexual violence bystander training programme for nightlife workers [conference abstract #144]
Evaluation of Project Bhasa, Bangladesh [conference abstract #431]
Evaluation of the 5-step test in supporting transition out of booster seats [conference abstract #175]
Evaluation of the impact of legislative reform on worker fatalities, New Zealand [conference abstract #367]
Evidence for a life-course approach to road safety [conference abstract #251]
Evidence-based advocacy for safer transportation for factory workers in Cambodia [conference abstract #295]
Evidence-based road safety interventions to prevent regional and remote road trauma [conference abstract #564]
Examining the effectiveness of China's helmet promotion campaign: a before-and-after study [conference abstract #96]
Examining the outcomes of self-harm in CALD communities: insights from data linkage [conference abstract #357]
Exploring the impact of heatwaves on drowning deaths in Queensland, 2010/11-2018/19 [conference abstract #70]
Factors influencing parents' decision-making of transition children from using booster to seatbelts [conference abstract #226]
Factors protecting against self-harm/suicidality among Australian Indigenous Adolescents: a multilevel analysis [conference abstract #526]
Fall hospitalisations and deaths in Australians aged 65 and over, 2019-20 [conference abstract #397]
Fall prevention indicators for use in public health practice [conference abstract #218]
Falls and physical activity in older Australian women from two different generations [conference abstract #488]
Falls, stroke, communication disability: content analysis of medical records and incident reports [conference abstract #170]
Fatal drowning in Indonesia: Understanding the gap of knowledge through scoping review [conference abstract #74]
FDG Analysis of AD's anti-bullying efforts: current situation and future recommendations [conference abstract #294]
Feasibility of an community mobilisation intervention to prevent childhood injuries in Bangladesh [conference abstract #470]
Findings of the Study of Road Trauma Evidence and Data (SORTED) [conference abstract #25]
Five years on: how a regional help-seeking behaviour-change campaign achieved long-term impact [conference abstract #193]
Going digital: uptake of a digital standardised fall risk screening tool [conference abstract #487]
Hazard exposures and shiftwork and physical health among Filipino factory workers [conference abstract #81]
Health-related life quality 24 months after mild to moderate road traffic injury [conference abstract #271]
Healthcare and economic burden of head, face and neck injuries in Bangladesh [conference abstract #267]
Helmet utilization and its associated factors among motorcyclists in Ghana [ #278]
High-risk behaviors among commercial drivers: a cross-sectional study in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa [conference abstract #327]
Historical racial residential segregation and present-day social vulnerability in the United States [conference abstract #191]
Home injuries during lockdown: evidence from hospital records in 2019-2020, Victoria, Australia [conference abstract #114]
Homelessness and injury: a Canadian province perspective [conference abstract #334]
Hot water scalds in Australian and New Zealand residential settings [conference abstract #286]
Identification and road safety problems of the peri-urban area of NCT Delhi [conference abstract #552]
Identifying safe vs unsafe medically at-risk drivers through serial trichotomization [conference abstract #257]
Impact of a community-based child injury knowledge intervention in rural Bangladesh [conference abstract #379]
Impact of COVID-19 on injury-related emergency department visits in North Carolina, USA [conference abstract #422]
Implementation challenges in child-drowning prevention project in rural Bangladesh [conference abstract #548]
Implementation strategies for an Australian school-based mental health prevention program: realist evaluation [conference abstract #254]
Improving injury surveillance data quality in Victoria through emergency department engagement [conference abstract #301]
Improving safety in Bangladesh's small-scale urban factories: a participatory before-and-after intervention study [conference abstract #596]
Incidence and economic impact of limb injury: result from national sample survey [conference abstract #135]
Increasing equity and access of drowning prevention programs for migrants in Australia [conference abstract #407]
Indoor sex workers'occupational health and safety supports in a criminalized setting [conference abstract #213]
Informing unintentional drowning prevention in Indonesia: Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study [conference abstract #75]
Initial effects of the drowning prevention program in Vietnam [conference abstract #448]
Injuries are preventable, but do Australians think so? [conference abstract #59]
Injury burdens among the urban children in Bangladesh: evidence for policy implication [conference abstract #516]
Injury in Australia in 2020-21 [conference abstract #398]
Injury mortality and morbidity changes due to COVID-19 in the United States [conference abstract #99]
Injury prevention and safety promotion. It is not that simple [conference abstract #549]
Injury recidivism in paediatric off-road vehicle riders [conference abstract #235]
Innovative use of syndromic surveillance system for injury prevention and practice [conference abstract #205]
Intentional self-harm in CALD communities:a study of hospital admissions in Victoria, Australia [conference abstract #174]
Interagency collaboration for the identification of road safety research priorities in Nepal [conference abstract #201]
Intersectionality based policy analysis: equity in mobility India [conference abstract #493]
Intervention component analysis of fall prevention exercise in residential aged care [conference abstract #404]
Intervention packages for the prevention of unintentional injuries among children [conference abstract #482]
Knowledge, attitudes and practices on pesticide among farmers in the Philippines [conference abstract #79]
Learnings from a pilot burns registry program in India: lessons and implications [conference abstract #403]
Long-term trajectories and predictors of disability in children surviving serious injury [conference abstract #538]
Measuring farm safety culture: farm safety checklists don't pass the test [conference abstract #255]
Migrants' work-related injuries in the New Zealand media: hidden voices, missed opportunities [conference abstract #131]
Missing: verbal autopsy narratives lack detail for drowning intervention design in Tanzania [conference abstract #110]
Mitigating the risks of child safety during COVID-19 through blended awareness campaigns [conference abstract #581]
National burns awareness month [conference abstract #186]
National collaborative: rehabilitation after major trauma injury [conference abstract #390]
National standardised survivial swim program to prevent child drowning in Vietnam [conference abstract #118]
Nationwide sports injury prevention programs: a scoping review [conference abstract #85]
Nature of past remedial measures: the case of Ghanaian mining industry [conference abstract #444]
Non- fatal drownings in Alberta: characteristics and distribution [conference abstract #336]
Occupational safety and health challenges of an ageing workforce in Hong Kong [conference abstract #395]
Paramedics' experiences attending and managing patients who fall [conference abstract #178]
Pediatric traffic injuries on halloween in the U.K: prevalence: injury severity [conference abstract #57]
Perceived needs of primary care providers in managing violence against pregnant woman [conference abstract #340]
Perceptions of neighbourhood road safety and supported modifications in British Columbia, Canada [conference abstract #384]
Physiotherapy telehealth to reduce falls in aged care (TOP UP): trial protocol [conference abstract #405]
Potential survivability of prehospital injury deaths in New Zealand [conference abstract #362]
Predictors of injury among young children in New Zealand [conference abstract #24]
Predictors of prehospital mortality in patients with major trauma in New Zealand [conference abstract #117]
Predictors of readmission after trauma: a retrospective cohort study in New Zealand [conference abstract #109]
Presentation of a model for establishing zero vision on road traffic injuries [conference abstract #593 ]
Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress at 12 years post-injury [conference abstract #359]
Prevalence of alcohol consumption in emergency presentations (PACE): biomarkers ethanol and phosphatidylethanol [conference abstract #325]
Prevalence of intimate partner violence among serodiscordant HIV couples in Mozambique [conference abstract #38]
Preventing falls among community-dwelling older adults: Developing a national policy framework [conference abstract #502]
Preventing falls with motor-cognitive training: a 12-month randomised controlled trial [conference abstract #139]
Preventing unintentional childhood injuries in Uganda: engaging the community in systems-wide solutions [conference abstract #150]
Prioritizing injury situation to be prevented based on AI-Aided Situational R-Map [conference abstract #503]
Proactive traffic safety evaluation of signalized intersections in heterogeneous disordered traffic conditions [conference abstract #230]
Product-related injury morbidity among Americans aged 0-19 years, 2001-2020 [conference abstract #82]
PSC and Pro-PSC reactions [conference abstract #467]
Psychiatric and social outcomes following pediatric concussion: a population-based study [conference abstract #421]
Public pool lifeguard visual scanning strategies: a virtual realityeye-tracking study [conference abstract #195]
Quad bike spraying and injury surveillance project (QuadSIS) [conference abstract #256]
Qualitative study on mass casualty responder in real field incident of Bangladesh [conference abstract #533]
Quantifying and addressing the shortage of swimming teachers in Victoria, Australia [conference abstract #194]
Queensland's Road Safety Data Bureau (RSDB): a novel co-located, Inter-agency collaboration [conference abstract #389]
Re-imagining motorcycle injury prevention: frangipoles [conference abstract #324]
Ridesharing, assaults, and motor vehicle crashes [conference abstract #105]
Rip currents - evaluating a behavioural change safety campaign [conference abstract #308]
Rip currents: an update on the number one coastal drowning hazard [conference abstract #323]
Rising Voices across communities to tackle drowning epidemic in Bangladesh [conference abstract #454]
Risk factor trends for road traffic injuries in South America [conference abstract #562]
Risk factors for occupational drowning in Lake Victoria's small-scale fisheries [conference abstract #245]
Risk factors of cycle fatalities in a low-and-middle income setting [conference abstract #233]
Road crash injury on prognosis of patients with recovery or mortality [conference abstract #90]
Road safety efforts in the KSA under the National Transformation Vision 2030 [conference abstract #262]
Road safety legislative process: lessons from India and Philippines [conference abstract #532]
Road traffic crashes attributed to tractor - trolleys in Pakistan [conference abstract #93]
Road traffic death, injuries and its risk factors in Nepal [conference abstract #378]
Road traffic deaths among 29 high-income countries, 2015 and 2019 [conference abstract #128]
Road traffic fatalities in Tunisia: a multisector sources data linkage [conference abstract #559]
Road traffic injuries in Bangladesh: an explorative study from a national survey [conference abstract #364]
Road traffic injuries in Republic of North Macedonia - burden and trend [conference abstract #5]
Road-traffic related traumatic brain injury in Bangladesh: epidemiology, risk factors and vulnerability [conference abstract #458]
Robustness of automated motorcycle helmet use detection in real-world application [conference abstract #466]
Safer journeys for primary students in LMICs: effectiveness of multi-pronged model [conference abstract #242]
Safety and security: main challenges for promoting cycling in Mashhad [conference abstract #10]
Safety considerations of 3 vs 4-man aircrew for long-haul flights [conference abstract #21]
Safety of cycling infrastructure installed during COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto Canada [conference abstract #209]
Safety performance model in Malaysian paramedic training institute [conference abstract #100]
Safety, best practices, and legislative review on small-scale mining in the Philippines [conference abstract #89]
Saving Lives through private-sector and impact investment in road safety [conference abstract #401]
Scaling motorcycle helmet use registration by applying computer vision to crowd-sourced images [conference abstract #465]
Scoping review on child road safety policy in China [conference abstract #243]
Service use related to violence against women and children during COVID-19 [conference abstract #149]
Service-user, clinician, advocate and academic priorities for suicide prevention research in Nepal [conference abstract #204]
Sex-based differences in drink-driving across Africa, South Asia, and South America [conference abstract #489]
Sex-based differences in seat-belt use across Africa, South Asia, and South America [conference abstract #490]
Slacklining as a falls prevention program for seniors and elite athletes [conference abstract #113]
Sleep quality and depression symptoms in professional taxi drivers in Iran [conference abstract #399]
Sobriety checkpoints and alcohol-related traffic crashes [conference abstract #106]
Socio-Cultural Context of Road Safety (SOCCR) [conference abstract #104]
Speed management in indian scenarios: emerging issues and policy interventions [conference abstract #224]
Sport and leisure activities in the heat: what safety resources exist? [conference abstract #515]
Stakeholder integration to prevent drowning death in Bangladesh [conference abstract #146]
Standardising public rescue equipment for bystanders and emergency personnel in New Zealand [conference abstract #61]
Stroke, communication disability and falls: analysis of medical records and incident reports [conference abstract #172]
Substance use in non-transport injury events: a systematic review and meta-analysis [conference abstract #116]
Suicide following hospital admission in Victoria, Australia [conference abstract #134]
Supporting advocacy for evidence-based road safety policies - GRSP's Road Safety Grants programme [conference abstract #370]
Surgical instrument ergonomic assessment by 3D anthropometric scanning validation for WMSD/MSKI prevention [conference abstract #461]
Swedish older drivers' fatal crashes: a 10-year in-depth investigation of their triggers [conference abstract #411]
Taking a safe system approach to eliminate child road traffic deaths [conference abstract #188]
The 'Stay-One-Step-Ahead' child home safety programme; effectiveness and cost-effectiveness [conference abstract #210]
The art of building engaging heavy vehicle tool box talks [conference abstract #585]
The burden and trends of road traffic injuries in the United Arab Emirates [conference abstract #289]
The effect of pandemic on Mashhad City traffic safety and PT ridership [conference abstract #11]
The French 2021 drowning survey: results from a unique epidemiological surveillance system [conference abstract #474]
The incidence of injury related disabilities in Bangladesh: nationwide population based survey [conference abstract #501]
The killer products on the roads [conference abstract #520]
The pattern of drowning on the beaches: records from lifeguards' incident report [conference abstract #140]
The role of artificial intelligence in pediatric injuries-a scoping review [conference abstract #553]
The role of health networks in addressing violent injury [conference abstract #53]
Through my eyes - delivering water safety messages to parents and carers [conference abstract #187]
Tourist drowning in Australia [conference abstract #441]
Towards a national serious road injury register in Australia [conference abstract #551]
Training neural networks to identify built environment features for pedestrian safety [conference abstract #430]
Transforming research evidence for child restraints policy advocacy in Vietnam [conference abstract #446]
Trend in older adults' intentional and unintentional poisonings. Population-based study in Sweden [conference abstract #147]
Trends in child pedestrian collision injuries by neighbourhood deprivation in Toronto, Canada [conference abstract #102]
Understanding home injuries: results from a Ugandan household survey and risk assessment [conference abstract #313]
Understanding multisectoral action coalitions in LMICs to improve road safety [conference abstract #561]
Unsafe behavior of Polish children cyclists during their route to school [conference abstract #158]
Unsafe working conditions predict injury rates in U.S. coal mines [conference abstract #451]
Urban environments and child and adolescent injury deaths in Latin American cities [conference abstract #129]
Using 10-year injury trends in Western Australia to inform programs and policies [conference abstract #511]
Using computer vision for the automated detection of cyclists' safety-related behaviour [conference abstract #463]
Using evidence in the decision-making pathway: resources to assist road safety practitioners [conference abstract #316]
Using machine learning to predict child active transportation prevalence and injury rates [conference abstract #455]
Video-based school children road injury prevention tool (V-SCRIPT) in Karachi: quasi-experimental study [conference abstract #537]
Violence against children and parental migration in Honduras, El Salvador, and Colombia [conference abstract #350]
Violence-related injuries among children in Mozambique. Insights from Maputo central hospital [conference abstract #335]
Visibility project for rural communities [conference abstract #34]
Web surveillance: motorcycle specification and advertisement 2021-2022 [conference abstract #518]
Why hesitate to call the ambulance? Pre-hospital delay after a quad bike crash [conference abstract #290]
Why Thai motorcycle rider death at the top rank of the world? [conference abstract #554]
Work issues of bus and truck drivers on road crash in Philippines [conference abstract #88]
Writing a popular book for child injury prevention: process and outcomes [conference abstract #26]
Yoga for falls prevention: impressions of people aged 60 years and over [conference abstract #591]
Youth suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, 2020-2021 [conference abstract #337]