A framework for definition of logical scenarios for safety assurance of automated driving
Banging heads onboard buses: assessment scheme to improve injury mitigation for bus passengers
Characteristics of rear-end crashes involving passenger vehicles with automatic emergency braking
Factors contributing to serious and fatal injuries in belted rear seat occupants in frontal crashes
Forward collision warning based on a driver model to increase drivers' acceptance
Frontal crash simulations using parametric human models representing a diverse population
Intersection AEB implementation strategies for left turn across path crashes
Multi-agent traffic simulations to estimate the impact of automated technologies on safety
Posture and belt fit in reclined passenger seats
Prediction of probability of fatality due to brain injury in traffic accidents
Residual road departure crashes after full deployment of LDW and LDP systems
Test procedure for evaluating the human-machine interface of vehicles with automated driving systems
The detection of drowsiness using a driver monitoring system
THOR dummy chest deflection response in oblique and lateral far-side sled tests