A mobile device dual-task paradigm for the assessment of mTBI
Biomechanics of blast TBI with time-resolved consecutive primary, secondary, and tertiary loads
Combat-related extremity wounds: injury factors predicting early onset infections
Computational modeling of primary blast lung injury: implications for ventilator management
Development and implementation of U.S. Army Guidelines for Managing Soldiers at Risk of Suicide
Development of a methodology for simulating complex head impacts with the advanced combat helmet
Development of a mobile motion capture (MO2CA) system for future military application
Evaluation of aircrew low-intensity threat laser eye protection
Identifying predictors of pressurized submarine escape training (PSET) attrition
Low-level primary blast induces neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in rats
Mental health care for service members and their families across the globe
More than just counting deaths: the evolution of suicide surveillance in the Canadian armed forces
On the development of interspecies traumatic brain injury correspondence rules
Perceptions of high-risk situations for sexual assault: gender differences in the U.S. Air Force
Predictive power of head impact intensity measures for recognition memory performance
Prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries sustained during Marine Corps recruit training
Prominent injury types in vehicle underbody blast
Quantification of mild traumatic brain injury via cortical metrics: analytical methods
Suicide in the military: understanding rates and risk factors across the United States' armed forces
The impact of affective states on postconcussive symptoms in a TBI population