A helmet of her own? [conference abstract #35]
Addressing health equity through accessible communications [conference abstract #10]
An agent-based model of violence prevention across the life course [conference abstract #133]
Barriers to reporting sexual violence among undergraduate student-athletes [conference abstract #37]
Caregiver perspectives on a water safety toolkit for child supervision [conference abstract #54]
Congestion pricing policies: trends, insights, and safety impacts [conference abstract #106]
Costs of occupant injury in motor vehicle crashes, United States, 2018 [conference abstract #148]
Direct medical costs of teen-involved vehicle crashes by culpability [conference abstract #31]
Driving by youth after a concussion [conference abstract #79]
Evaluating proactive policing for population health equity [conference abstract #55]
Examining suicide in an Urban area: considerations for prevention [conference abstract #149]
Factors associated with teens' crash culpability [conference abstract #78]
Implementation of all-rider bicycle helmet laws in the US [conference abstract #82]
Increasing occupational health equity through community engaged research [conference abstract #33]
Lifetime history of TBI and disability: impact of Appalachia and rurality [conference abstract #29]
Neighborhood police encounters, health and violence in a southern city [conference abstract #98]
Neighborhood variation in violence prevention approaches: a case study [conference abstract #104]
Parent concerns, prevention strategies with pediatric fall injuries [conference abstract #85]
Predictors of parent and caregiver water safety knowledge [conference abstract #32]
Quasi-experimentation: study designs for analyzing policy effects [conference abstract 122]
Road traffic injuries in children: evidence from national database [conference abstract #125]
Road traffic injury prevention: the role of artificial intelligence [conference abstract #114]
School-based policies for child maltreatment recognition & response [conference abstract #68]
Simulated driving performance in young drivers with concussion [conference abstract #44]
State gun laws and youth handgun carrying in the United States [conference abstract #21]
Using street view imagery for injury and violence research [conference abstract #34]