2+1-roads with and without cable barriers: speed performance
A further investigation on critical gap and follow-up time
Capacity and performance of roundabouts: a summary of recommendations in the fhwa roundabout guide
Capacity at all-way stop-controlled and first-in-first-out intersections
Capacity of unsignalized urban junctions
Effect of darkness on the capacity of long-term freeway reconstruction zones
Effect of environmental factors on free-flow speed
Effects of driver population on the traffic operational performance of signalized intersections
Effects of od flows on roundabout entry capacity
Effects of traffic condition (v/c) on safety at freeway facility sections
Estimation of critical gaps and follow-up times at rural unsignalized intersections in germany
Integration of safety and the "highway capacity manual"
Level of service on finnish two-lane highways
Level-of-service measure of road traffic based on the driver's perception
Probabilistic models for pedestrian capacity and delay at roundabouts
Traffic flow analysis beyond traditional methods
Unbalanced traffic volumes at roundabouts
Use of simulation to analysis of impedance impact at unsignalized intersections
User perception of level of service at signalized intersections: methodological issues