A feeder-bus dispatch planning model for emergency evacuation in urban rail transit corridors
Central nervous system injury - a newly observed bystander effect of radiation
Children's vantage point of recalling traumatic events
Comparing the incidence of falls/fractures in Parkinson's disease patients in the US population
Coping styles and alcohol dependence among homeless people
Demand and congestion in multiplex transportation networks
Development of a consistent and reproducible porcine scald burn model
Diageo's 'Stop Out of Control Drinking' campaign in Ireland: an analysis
Drivers' visual characteristics when merging onto or exiting an urban expressway
Driving the model to its limit: profile likelihood based model reduction
Environmental risk factors influencing bicycle theft: a spatial analysis in London, UK
Ethnic and gender disparities in premature adult mortality in Belize 2008-2010
Human capital, values, and attitudes of persons seeking refuge in Austria in 2015
Human-wildlife conflicts in Nepal: patterns of human fatalities and injuries caused by large mammals
Introducing mushroom fruiting patterns from the Swiss National Poisons Information Centre
Oculomotor, vestibular, and reaction time tests in mild traumatic brain injury
Rurality and self-reported health in women with a history of intimate partner violence
Secure base priming diminishes conflict-based anger and anxiety
Social involvement modulates the response to novel and adverse life events in mice
Some wildfire ignition causes pose more risk of destroying houses than others
Spatial and temporal dynamics and value of nature-based recreation, estimated via social media
Technology and information sharing in disaster relief
The association between sarcopenic obesity and depressive symptoms in older Japanese adults
The stigma of suicide survivorship and related consequences-a systematic review
Varenicline and risk of self-harm: a nested case-control study