Accessibility impacts of park-and-ride systems
Analysis of factors affecting injury severity in traffic crashes on Arizona tribal lands
Application of high-resolution trip trace stitching to evaluate traffic signal system changes
Benefits of redundant visual in-vehicle information in pedestrian-vehicle conflict scenarios
Case study of crash severity spatial pattern identification in hot spot analysis
Characteristics of law enforcement response to wrong-way driving events in Florida
Could a new mode alternative modify psycho-attitudinal factors and travel behavior?
Identifying fatality risk factors for the commercial vehicle driver population
Impact of autonomous-vehicle-only lanes in mixed traffic conditions
Impact of cognitive distractions on drivers' hazard anticipation behavior in complex scenarios
Influence of driving experience on distraction engagement in automated vehicles
Integrated traffic control for freeways using variable speed limits and lane change control actions
Method to identify and visualize barriers in a low-stress bike network
Points registration for roadside LiDAR sensors
Prevention of end-of-track collisions at passenger terminals via positive train control
Rules of the road: compliance and defiance among the different types of cyclists
Studying the nighttime visibility performance of retroreflective pavement markers
Variability in real-world activity patterns of heavy-duty vehicles by vocation
Vehicle detection and tracking in complex traffic circumstances with roadside LiDAR