A systematic review of head impacts and acceleration associated with soccer
Access to city center: automobile vs. public transit
Adaptation of questionnaire about aggressive beliefs and attitudes in Spanish adolescents
Association of postpartum depression with maternal suicide: a nationwide population-based study
At home and on the brink: U.S. parents' mental health during COVID-19
Attitudes toward suicide and the impact of client suicide: a structural equation modeling approach
Body-esteem, self-esteem and loneliness among social media young users
Burnout syndrome and related factors in Mexican police workforces
Differential profile of specialist aggressor versus generalist aggressor in child-to-parent violence
Experience-dependent effects to situational awareness in police officers: an eye tracking study
Eye-tracking in assessment of the mental workload of harvester operators
Health statistics in Australia: what we know and do not know
High performance work systems, justice, and engagement: does bullying throw a spanner in the works?
Hopelessness in police officers and its association with depression and burnout: a pilot study
How should we measure? A review of circular cities indicators
Insights into improving risk and safety communication through environmental health literacy
Internet use among patients with schizophrenia and depression
Occupational traffic accidents among teachers in Spain
Parental self-compassion and child adjustment: the mediating role of parental depressive symptoms
Peer support for public safety personnel in Canada: towards a typology
Pet ownership and mental and physical health in older White and Black males and females
Post-Hurricane Distress Scale (PHDS): determination of general and disorder-specific cutoff scores
Public safety personnel family resilience: a narrative review
Quantitative methods to detect suicide and self-harm clusters: a systematic review
Relationship between depressive symptoms and weather conditions
Research on the aging-friendly kitchen based on space syntax theory
Risk factors for road-traffic injuries associated with e-bike: case-control and case-crossover study
Social frailty and health-related quality of life in community-dwelling older adults
Social media user behavior and emotions during crisis events
Study on factors that influence human errors: focused on cabin crew
The effects of the opioid crisis on agricultural industries
The impact of reflection on death on the self-esteem of health care workers
The prevalence of dietary supplement usage in military aviators
Time spent on social media and risk of depression in adolescents: a dose-response meta-analysis
Towards an integrative theory of bullying in residential care for youth
Youth serial killers: psychological and criminological profiles