Active transportation on a complete street: perceived and audited walkability correlates
Collaborative visual analytics: a health analytics approach to injury prevention
Community capacity building for physical activity promotion among older adults-a literature review
Disaster governance for community resilience in coastal towns: chilean case studies
Enhancing youth participation using the PREP intervention: parents' perspectives
Environmental influences on maternal and child health
Family social environment and parenting predictors of alcohol use among adolescents in Lithuania
Fitness, fatness and active school commuting among Liverpool schoolchildren
Gender differences in problematic alcohol consumption in university professors
Green space and depression during pregnancy: results from the Growing Up in New Zealand Study
Hospital costs of foreign non-resident patients: a comparative analysis in Catalonia, Spain
Identification of a group's physiological synchronization with earth's magnetic field
Increase of elderly population in the rainstorm hazard areas of China
Longitudinal impact of Hurricane Sandy exposure on mental health symptoms
Modeling burns for pre-cooled skin flame exposure
Mother's IPV, child maltreatment type and the presence of PTSD in children and adolescents
Poverty and child behavioral problems: the mediating role of parenting and parental well-being
Smoothed temporal atlases of age-gender all-cause mortality in South Africa
Surveillance bias in child maltreatment: a tempest in a teapot
The burden of suicide in rural Bangladesh: magnitude and risk factors
The effect of vitamin A on fracture risk: a meta-analysis of cohort studies
Trauma affecting Asian-Pacific Islanders in the San Francisco Bay Area