Alcohol use biomarkers predicting cognitive performance: A secondary analysis in veterans with alcohol dependence and posttraumatic stress disorder
Attitudes to mental illness in the U.K. Military: A comparison with the general population
Improving the adoption of evidence-based practice among nurses in army outpatient medical treatment facilities
In response to letter to the editor: Re: "Case reports: Death of active duty soldiers following ingestion of dietary supplements containing 1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA)" (Mil Med 2012; 177(12): 1455-59)
In response to: "Case reports: Death of active duty soldiers following ingestion of dietary supplements containing 1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA)" (Mil Med 2012; 177(12): 1455-59)
Role of occupation on new-onset post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among deployed military personnel
Subjective sleep disturbance in veterans receiving care in the veterans affairs polytrauma system following blast-related mild traumatic brain injury
The national health study for a new generation of United States veterans: methods for a large-scale study on the health of recent veterans
Traumatic stressor exposure and post-traumatic symptoms in homeless veterans