Associations between therapists' occupational burnout and their patients' depression and anxiety treatment outcomes
Employment characteristics, work environment, and the course of depression over 23 years: does employment help foster resilience?
Evaluating dimensional models of psychopathology in outpatients diagnosed with emotional disorders: a cautionary tale
Night noise exposure and risk of death by suicide in adults living in metropolitan areas
Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in United States military spouses: the Millennium Cohort Family Study
Replicating latent structural models of psychopathology: Reply to Kotov, Ruggero, Krueger, Watson, and Zimmerman (2018)
Sedentary behaviors, physical activity, and changes in depression and psychological distress symptoms in older adults
Self-medication with alcohol or drugs for mood and anxiety disorders: a narrative review of the epidemiological literature
The perils of hierarchical exclusion rules: a further word of caution
Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials