Can occupational therapist-led home environmental assessment prevent falls in older people? A modified cohort randomised controlled trial protocol
Changing trends in suicide rates in South Korea from 1993 to 2016: a descriptive study
Comparison of attitudes towards five end-of-life care interventions (active pain control, withdrawal of futile life-sustaining treatment, passive euthanasia, active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide): a multicentred cross-sectional survey of Korean patients with cancer, their family caregivers, physicians and the general Korean population
Corporal punishment bans and physical fighting in adolescents: an ecological study of 88 countries
Cross-sectional analysis of sleep-promoting and wake-promoting drug use on health, fatigue-related error, and near-crashes in police officers
Demographic and clinical factors associated with different antidepressant treatments: a retrospective cohort study design in a UK psychiatric healthcare setting
Features for medically serious suicide attempters who do not have a strong intent to die: a cross-sectional study in rural China
Integration of academic and health education for the prevention of physical aggression and violence in young people: systematic review, narrative synthesis and intervention components analysis
Investigating equalisation of health inequalities during adolescence in four low-income and middle-income countries: an analysis of the Young Lives cohort study
Physical activity and concussion risk in youth ice hockey players: pooled prospective injury surveillance cohorts from Canada
Physical activity-related injuries among university students: a multicentre cross-sectional study in China
Policy addressing suicidality in children and young people: a scoping review protocol
Protocol for a prospective multicentre registry cohort study on suicide attempters given the assertive case management intervention after admission to an emergency department in Japan: post-ACTION-J Study (PACS)
Social and behavioural factors associated with depressive symptoms among university students in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study
Violence experience by perpetrator and associations with HIV/STI risk and infection: a cross-sectional study among female sex workers in Karnataka, south India
Work-related mobility and experiences of gender-based violence among female sex workers in Iringa, Tanzania: a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from Project Shikamana