Brain damage in commercial breath-hold divers
Disease prevention: saving lives or reducing health care costs?
Dynamic analysis and pattern visualization of forest fires
Dynamics of attentional bias to threat in anxious adults: bias towards and/or away?
Gait velocity is an indicator of cognitive performance in healthy middle-aged adults
Hospital-based program to increase child safety restraint use among birthing mothers in China
How safe do teenagers behave on facebook? An observational study
Long-term prognosis of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: a nationwide cohort study
Mental health and substance use among bisexual youth and non-youth in Ontario, Canada
Motor contagion during human-human and human-robot interaction
Observing a movement correction during walking affects evoked responses but not unperturbed walking
Sociosexual and communication deficits after traumatic injury to the developing murine brain
The Gait Disorder in Downbeat Nystagmus Syndrome
Transportation optimization with fuzzy trapezoidal numbers based on possibility theory
Twitter in the cross fire-the use of social media in the Westgate Mall terror attack in Kenya
Visual exploration during locomotion limited by fear of heights