Adaptive bike share: expanding bike share to people with disabilities and older adults
Algorithm for tracing train delays to incident causes
Automated safety diagnosis based on unmanned aerial vehicle video and deep learning algorithm
Before-after evaluation of left-turn lane extension considering injury severity and collision type
Bidirectional spatial-temporal network for traffic prediction with multisource data
Calibrating design guidelines using mental workload and reliability analysis
Defining and analyzing forceful gap behavior at unsignalized intersections
Drivers of bridge decommissioning in the United States
Driveway access spacing considerations for rural highways with high truck volumes
Emergency response times for fatal motor vehicle crashes, 1975-2017
Estimating baseline numbers for safety measure target setting in Virginia
Estimation of the effect of rain and incidents on freeway capacity and free-flow speed
Exploratory analysis of real-time e-scooter trip data in Washington, D.C
Exploring the causes of social exclusion related to mobility for non-motorized households
Exploring the effect of timely reminder on maritime unsafe acts
How built environment impacts online car-hailing ridership
How travel purpose interacts with predictors of individual driving behavior in greater Montreal
Influence of rain on highway breakdown probability
Insights from integrated geo-location data for pedestrian crashes, demographics, and land uses
Low-dimensional model for bike-sharing demand forecasting that explicitly accounts for weather data
Monte Carlo tree search-based mixed traffic flow control algorithm for arterial intersections
Practice friendly metric for identification of critical links in road networks
Safety prediction model for reinforced highway slope using a machine learning method
Studying car-following dynamics on the basis of the HighD dataset
Temporal analysis of predictors of pedestrian crashes
Understanding why drivers cross the line at activated railway crossings