"Institutionalized violence" (apropos of Jonestown and elsewhere)
Aggressive drive and conscious hostility
Bio-ethological approach to human aggressive violence
Biological and sociological mechanisms of aggressiveness
Brief remarks on the evolution towards psychopathy
Ethnopsychiatric approach to violence in institutions
New aspects of feminine delinquency. Apropos of a violent offence committed by 3 young women
Prevention of violence in children and adolescents. Apropos of an institutional experience
Psychopathological approach to various behavioral breakdowns
Psychopathology and treatment of violent psychotics in the United States
Psychopathology of violence: victimological approach
Social violence: a new disease?
The violent delinquent: psychopathology and social representations
Violence and insecurity. Trial of an inclusive approach
Violence, from what is said to what is, or crime-producing compromises