Curriculum development around parenting strategies to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse in sub-Saharan Africa: a program collaboration between families matter! And global dialogues
Eating disordered behaviors and body disapproval in adolescent males adjudicated for sexual and nonsexual crimes
Forensic interviews for child sexual abuse allegations: an investigation into the effects of animal-assisted intervention on stress biomarkers
Perceptions of the role of mothers in the disclosure and nondisclosure of child sexual abuse: a qualitative study
Peritraumatic tonic immobility and trauma-related symptoms in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse: the role of posttrauma cognitions
Research with adolescent victims of child sexual abuse: evaluation of emotional impact on participants
Stop It Now! A pilot study into the limits and benefits of a free helpline preventing child sexual abuse
Turkish school counselors' experiences of reporting child sexual abuse: a brief report
Unacknowledged rape: the influences of child sexual abuse and personality traits