A follow-up study from a multisite, randomized controlled trial for traumatized children receiving TF-CBT
Deviant peer affiliation as an explanatory mechanism in the association between corporal punishment and physical aggression: a longitudinal study among Chinese adolescents
Distinguishing pathways from negative emotions to suicide ideation and to suicide attempt: the differential mediating effects of nonsuicidal self-injury
Does preschool self-regulation predict later behavior problems in general or specific problem behaviors?
Executive functions and externalizing symptoms: common and unique associations
Introduction to the special section on executive functions and externalizing symptoms
Mother-child interactions and externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers over time: inhibitory control as a mediator
Neurophysiological processing of emotion in children of mothers with a history of depression: the moderating role of preschool persistent irritability
Pow! Boom! Kablam! Effects of viewing superhero programs on aggressive, prosocial, and defending behaviors in preschool children
Social adversity and antisocial behavior: mediating effects of autonomic nervous system activity
Substance use disorders in adolescence exist along continua: taxometric evidence in an epidemiological sample
Violence exposure subtypes differentially mediate the relation between callous-unemotional traits and adolescent delinquency