"Why always me?": childhood experiences of family violence and prejudicial treatment against people living with albinism in Nigeria
A national study on child abuse and neglect in rural China: does gender matters?
Child adjustment after parental separation: variations by gender, age, and maternal experiences of violence during marriage
Children fleeing domestic violence to emergency accommodations: education rights and experiences
Examining the role of child protection services in domestic violence cases: lessons learned from tragedies
Family environment characteristics and mental health outcomes for youth in foster care: traditional and group-care placements
From trauma to recovery: restorative justice conferencing in cases of adult survivors of intrafamilial sexual offenses
High-risk cases at the intersection of domestic/family violence and child protection: learning from practice
Intimate partner violence exposure and childhood psychopathology: associations with discriminating fearful and angry faces in young children
Pathways from childhood maltreatment to unsupportive emotion socialization: implications for children's emotional inhibition
Post-separation contact and domestic violence: our 7-point plan for safe[r] contact for children
The experience of the infant entering refuge (shelter) setting with their mothers after fleeing family violence
Transactional associations between children's socioemotional difficulties and parental aggression toward the child over a ten-year period in a lower-income population
What about the parents? Changes in and correlates of parents' discrete emotional reactions to their child's trauma in trauma therapy