"I grieve because I loved her:" bereaved parents' perceptions of a mindfulness-based retreat
Depressed adolescents' exposure to suicide attempts and suicide loss
Dispositional optimism and suicide among trans and gender diverse adults
Effectiveness of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in Lithuania
Examining the interpersonal theory of suicide in acutely suicidal psychiatric inpatients
Forgive but not forget: from self-forgiveness to posttraumatic growth among suicide-loss survivors
Googling for suicide in Croatia: a mixed-methods study
How relatives look back at suicide risk after their close one's death by suicide
Implicit measure of suicidal ideation in patients with depression
Non-disclosure of suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients: rates and correlates
Predictive factors associated with death depression in women with breast cancer
Rurality, reasons for living, and suicidal ideation among Australian men
TAPS Suicide Postvention Model(tm): a comprehensive framework of healing and growth
The "men in grief" phenomenon among suicide bereaved Chinese men in Hong Kong
Validity of the Frequency of Suicidal Ideation Inventory in Brazilian adults