Aggressive behavior of children exposed to intimate partner violence: An examination of maternal mental health, maternal warmth and child maltreatment
Analog of parental empathy: Association with physical child abuse risk and punishment intentions
Bullying vs. school violence: A response to Williams and Stelko-Pereira (2013)
Comprehensive treatment for co-occurring child maltreatment and parental substance abuse: Outcomes from a 24-month pilot study of the MST-Building Stronger Families program
Efficacy of the Incredible Years group parent program with families in Head Start who self-reported a history of child maltreatment
Examining the effectiveness of home-based parent aide services to reduce risk for physical child abuse and neglect: Six-month findings from a randomized clinical trial
Family risk as a predictor of initial engagement and follow-through in a universal nurse home visiting program to prevent child maltreatment
Mothers in methadone treatment and their involvement with the child protection system: A replication and extension study
Parent-child interaction therapy: A manualized intervention for the therapeutic child welfare sector
Referral patterns and service utilization in a pediatric hospital-wide intimate partner violence program
Training maltreating parents in elaborative and emotion-rich reminiscing with their preschool-aged children
Treatment of depressed mothers in home visiting: Impact on psychological distress and social functioning