Childhood victimization and alcohol symptoms in females: causal inferences and hypothesized mediators
Chronic pain: the next frontier in child maltreatment research
Confirmed, unconfirmed, and false allegations of abuse made by adults with mental retardation who are members of a class action lawsuit
Evaluations, attributions, affect, and disciplinary choices in mothers at high and low risk for child physical abuse
Gender differences in the risk for delinquency among youth exposed to family violence
Maltreatment perpetrators: a 54-month analysis of recidivism
Stability of retrospective self-reports of child abuse and neglect before and after therapy for child abuse issues
The relationship between the transverse hymenal orifice diameter by the separation technique and other possible markers of sexual abuse
The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC): reliability and association with abuse exposure in a multi-site study