A case of subacute combined degeneration secondary to recreational whippet use
A Case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy After Mitral Valvuloplasty
Bilateral septic arthritis of the knees in a patient with hair-dye poisoning
Bullet embolization after a penetrating gunshot wound: a case report
Conservative Management of Suicide Left Ventricle After Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement
Factors in the development of somatoform disorders among children: a case-control study
Gunshot injury to the face with atypical non-linear bullet trajectory: a case report
Lower extremity injuries due to chainsaw during four-year periods
Prevalence and determinants of depression, anxiety, and stress among secondary school students
Social Determinants of Health in Urban Transgender Patients: A Case Report
Spine injuries in household environments: a comprehensive analysis
Suicide attempt by a corrosive agent causing unusual outcomes and complications
The controversies surrounding acne and suicide: essential knowledge for clinicians
Unmasking the enigma: a case report of catatonia unveiled as Munchausen by proxy