Association between earthquake experience and depression 37 years after the Tangshan earthquake: a cross-sectional study
Childhood adversity and deliberate self-poisoning in Sri Lanka: a protocol for a hospital-based case-control study
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of teen online problem-solving for adolescents who have survived an acquired brain injury in the UK: protocol for a randomised, controlled feasibility study (TOPS-UK)
Correction: Believe #metoo: sexual violence and interpersonal disclosure experiences among women attending a sexual assault service in Australia: a mixed-methods study
Correction: Paediatric goal management training in patients with acquired brain injury: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Do exposure to outdoor temperatures, NO2 and PM10 affect the work-related injuries risk? A case-crossover study in three Italian cities, 2001-2010
Drink driving and speeding in Sao Paulo, Brazil: empirical cross-sectional study (2015-2018)
Drivers who tested positive for cannabis in oral fluid: a longitudinal analysis of administrative data for Spain between 2011 and 2016
Dynamic Urban Environmental Exposures on Depression and Suicide (NEEDS) in the Netherlands: a protocol for a cross-sectional smartphone tracking study and a longitudinal population register study
Effect of cognitive-only and cognitive-motor training on preventing falls in community-dwelling older people: protocol for the SmartĀ±Step randomised controlled trial
Effectiveness and safety of steady versus intermittent high dose vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of falls and fractures among adults: a protocol for systematic review and network meta-analysis
Factors associated with elevated consumption of alcohol in older adults-comparison between China and Norway: the CLHLS and the HUNT Study
Fall and risk factors for veterans and non-veterans inpatients over the age of 65 years: 14 years of long-term data analysis
Identification of processes that mediate the impact of workplace violence on emergency department healthcare workers in the USA: results from a qualitative study
Implementation of the Dutch expertise centre for child abuse: descriptive data from the first 4 years
Individual and environmental factors associated with death of cyclists involved in road crashes in Spain: a cohort study
Long-term psychological recovery process and its associated factors among survivors of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Japan: a qualitative study
Mapping the evidence of intimate partner violence among women living with HIV/AIDS in Africa: a scoping review protocol
Paediatric goal management training in patients with acquired brain injury: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Population-based case-control study of the effect of sun glare on pedestrian fatalities in Taiwan
Prevalence and factors associated with suicide among medical professionals in low/middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol
Shifting gears versus sudden stops: qualitative study of consultations about driving in patients with cognitive impairment
Socioeconomic inequalities in suicide mortality in Barcelona during the economic crisis (2006-2016): a time trend study
U-Flourish university students well-being and academic success longitudinal study: a study protocol
Understanding the lived experiences of severe postnatal psychiatric illnesses in English speaking South Asian women, living in the UK: a qualitative study protocol
Web-based and mHealth interventions for intimate partner violence prevention: a systematic review protocol