A comparison of visual and auditory representational momentum in spatial tasks
Age-related differences in selection by visual saliency
Apparent causality affects perceived simultaneity
Attentional priming releases crowding
Automatic identification of familiar faces
Being confident without seeing: What subjective measures of visual consciousness are about
Body position differentially influences responses to exogenous and endogenous cues
Chasin' choppers: using unpredictable trajectories to test theories of object interception
Discriminating direction of motion trajectories from angular speed and background information
Rapid volitional control of apparent motion during percept generation
Reconciling conflicting electrophysiological findings on the guidance of attention by working memory
The source of dual-task limitations: Serial or parallel processing of multiple response selections?
The use of exploratory procedures by blind and sighted adults and children
Visual discrimination thresholds for time to arrival
Visual priming through a boost of the target signal: Evidence from saccadic landing positions