Age-related differences in correction behavior for unintended acceleration
Assessment of community vulnerability and medical surge capacity in a foreseeable major disaster
Clarifying the structure of serious head and spine injury in youth Rugby Union players
Correction: Investigation of injury severity in urban expressway crashes: a case study from Beijing
Effect of optical correction by fully corrected glasses on postural stability
Epidemiology of outpatient and inpatient eye injury in Taiwan: 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015
Exploring adversities among parents convicted of killing their children
Functional outcomes after the treatment of hip fracture
Google searches for suicide and suicide risk factors in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
Intersection management for autonomous vehicles with vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
Measuring the shadows: A systematic review of chronic emptiness in borderline personality disorder
Memory for pictures of sexual assault: sensitive maintenance of ambiguous stimuli
Multiscale model for the optimal design of pedestrian queues to mitigate infectious disease spread
Prospective associations between internet use and poor mental health: a population-based study
Suicidal behavior risks during adolescent pregnancy in a low-resource setting: a qualitative study
The effects of risk-taking, exploitation, and exploration on creativity
The impact of roadway conditions towards accident severity on federal roads in Malaysia
The physical activity of children and adolescents in Germany 2003-2017: the MoMo-study