Analysis of injuries incurred during emergency ejection-extraction combat and noncombat
Auditory processing for speech intelligibility improvement
Aviation pathology in general aviation
Diagnostic patterns of injury and death in USAF aviation accidents
In-flight coronary occlusions: a short series of cases
Incidence and pathogenesis of fractures of the lumbar transverse processes in air crashes
Injuries resulting from hostile action against army aircrew members in flight over Vietnam
Integration of the medical team with the accident investigation unit
Interpretation of carboxyhaemoglobin found at post mortem in victims of aircraft accidents
Long term effects of ejecting from aircraft
Medical evacuation: a fit subject for JCAP interest
Occurrence and significance of myocarditis in trauma
Oral temperature in relation to inflight work-rest schedules
Passenger tie-down failure: injuries and accident reconstruction
Safety significance of aircraft accident post mortem findings
The changing attitudes in toxicology
Toxicological findings in aircraft accident investigation
Who was at the aircraft's controls when the fatal accident occurred?