A ranking of safety journals using different measurement methods
Challenges in performing technical safety reviews of modifications - A case study
Epidemiology of occupational accidents among Iranian insured workers
Experimental evidence of the "Faster is Slower" effect in the evacuation of ants
Identifying crucial safety assessment criteria for passenger ferry services
Introducing roadside hazard severity indicator based on evidential reasoning approach
Methodological application of system dynamics for evaluating traffic safety policy
Metro railway safety: An analysis of accident precursors
Normative barriers improvement through the MADS/MOSAR methodology
Quantitative risk assessment model of hazardous chemicals leakage and application
Risk-optimal highway design: Methodology and case studies
Robotic testing of radio frequency devices designed for industrial safety
Safety is an inherently inconsistent concept
Status of facilities for fire safety in hotels
Study of a proposed tunnel evacuation passageway formed by opposite-double air curtain ventilation