Classrooms in peace within violent contexts: field evaluation of Aulas en Paz in Colombia
Does the Good Schools Toolkit reduce physical, sexual and emotional violence, and injuries, in girls and boys equally? A cluster-randomised controlled trial
Evaluation of the Responsible, Engaged, and Loving (REAL) fathers initiative on physical child punishment and intimate partner violence in northern Uganda
Implementing coping power adapted as a universal prevention program in Italian primary schools: a randomized control trial
Interventions using regular activities to engage high-risk school-age youth: a review of after-school programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
Preliminary effectiveness study of coping power program for aggressive children in Pakistan
Prevention of aggression, violence, and mental health problems in childhood and adolescence: innovative and sustainable approaches from around the world: introduction and overview
True Love: effectiveness of a school-based program to reduce dating violence among adolescents in Mexico City