An exploratory factor analysis of coping styles and relationship to depression among a sample of homeless youth
Family recovery
Homeless children and their families' perspectives of agency services
How long do adolescents wait for psychiatry appointments?
Interactive effect of child maltreatment and substance use on depressed mood among adolescents presenting to community-based substance use treatment
Knowing What to Do and Being Able to Do It: Influences on Parent Choice and Use of Practices to Support Young People Living with Mental Illness
Not just horsing around: the impact of equine-assisted learning on levels of hope and depression in at-risk adolescents
Psychopathology and Related Psychosocial Factors in Children with Office Discipline Referrals at School: Evidence from a Developing Country
Suicide attempts and associated factors in male and female Korean adolescents: a population-based cross-sectional survey
Translating cognitive behavioral therapy for anxious youth to rural-community settings via tele-psychiatry