Assistance to victims of human trafficking; human right or reward? (English) ::: Hulpverlening aan slachtoffers van mensenhandel. (Dutch/Flemish)
Background and range of the concept of trafficking in human beings in the Dutch context (English) :: Het begrip mensenhandel in de Nederlandse context. (Dutch/Flemish)
De opheffing van het bordeelverbod: Gevolgen voor mensenhandel? :: Lifting the general brother ban; the consequences for trafficking in human beings?
De programmatische aanpak van mensenhandel en mensensmokkel. (Dutch/Flemish) A programmatic approach of trafficking in and smuggling of human beings; a research of Sneep. (English)
Fighting loverboy methods. (English) ::: Over de bestrijding van loverboymethoden. (Dutch/Flemish)
Poor labour conditions or 'modern slavery'; enforcing the prohibition of trafficking beyond the sex industry. (English) ::: Slecht werkgeverschap of 'moderne slavernij.'. (Dutch/Flemish)
The role of Nigerian madams in human trafficking into the Netherlands. (English) :: Nigeriaanse madams in de mensenhandel in Nederland. (Dutch/Flemish)
Traffickers in women; backgrounds and modi operandi. (English) :: Handelaars in vrouwen. (Dutch/Flemish)