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Journal Volume: 16
Journal Issue: 7
Journal Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 16

A comprehensive physiotherapy approach to regain functional independence in intermediate syndrome secondary to organophosphate poisoning: a case report

A nationwide survey following the devastating 2022 floods in Pakistan: current state of knowledge, attitude, and perception toward climate change and its health consequences

Acute poisoning among children admitted to Alexandria Poison Center, Egypt: patterns and predisposing factors

An evaluation of the changing trends in substance use behavior among patients in the tertiary care setting after the implementation of liquor prohibition in Bihar, India: a cross-sectional study

Brachial plexus palsy: a case report of compression-induced injury associated with alcohol intoxication

Ecstasy-induced rhabdomyolysis leading to severe acute kidney injury requiring temporary hemodialysis: a high risk for recurrence with repeated exposure

Equine pergolide toxicity: a case series

Factors associated with ambulation status and survival one year after conservative management of hip fracture

Hurricanes and health: a scoping review of recent developments in physical injuries, mental health, and emergency interventions

Knowledge and attitudes regarding geriatric depression: a descriptive study among adult Saudi citizens

Managing a complex case of bipolar disorder in a patient with recurrent hospitalizations

Naphthalene or mothball poisoning manifesting as acute intravascular hemolysis and acquired methemoglobinemia

Psychological well-being from sports injuries in adolescence: a narrative review

The correlations between concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in the National Football League: why does society keep promoting sports with high CTE rates?

The hidden pain: understanding smartphone pinky awareness and risk perception in the Eastern Province population

Work-life conflict, burnout, and associated factors among hydroelectric power plant employees: a cross-sectional study in Turkey