Approach to determination of risk-based inspection workload for highway construction projects
Data and modeling support of the management of diversion routes during freeway incidents
Detecting anomalies in National Bridge Inventory databases using machine learning methods
Evaluation of pavement treatment strategies for friction-deficient horizontal curves
Evaluation of posted speed limits reductions on urban roads with a high percentage of cyclists
Examination of current MASH occupant compartment intrusion limits using real-world crash data
Fast-spherical-projection-based point cloud clustering algorithm
Generational patterns of modal shares across megaregions
Impact of automated mobility-on-demand on weekly activity patterns: a study of Singapore
Influence of fixing feet in rear-end crashes
Level of pedestrian stress in urban streetscapes
Operational and safety performance evaluation of parallel flow intersection
Operational impact of microcars on urban and suburban road corridors
Real-time arterial-friendly ramp metering system
Short-term travel-time prediction using support vector machine and nearest neighbor method
Toward explainable artificial intelligence for early anticipation of traffic accidents