Are we still a sexist society? Primary socialisation and adherence to gender roles in childhood
Assessment of volatile compound transference through firefighter turnout gear
Cognitive function among World Trade Center-exposed community members with mental health symptoms
Concrete paving slabs for comfort of movement of mobility-impaired pedestrians-a survey
Depression before and during-COVID-19 by gender in the Korean Population
Do drinking norms, motives, and drinking behaviors differ by age group among Korean women?
Effect of growth mindset on mental health two years later: the role of smartphone use
Healthy behavior and environmental behavior correlate with bicycle commuting
Impact of pesticides on human health in the last six years in Brazil
Mental health in the transit context: evidence from 10 countries
Neighborhood makes or breaks active ageing? Findings from cross-sectional path analysis
Older people's help-seeking behaviors in rural contexts: a systematic review
Precarious work as risk factor for 5-year increase in depressive symptoms
Psychological distress, burnout, and academic performance in first year college students
Scoping review of peer-led support for people bereaved by suicide
Susceptibility analysis of geohazards in the Longmen Mountain Region after the Wenchuan Earthquake
The short- and long-term impact of CoViD-19 lockdown on child maltreatment