Assessing the psychological impacts of CoViD-19 in undergraduate medical students
Attachment security and suicide ideation and behaviour: the mediating role of reflective functioning
Built environment design and people with autism spectrum disorder: a scoping review
Children and adolescent's perception of media device use consequences
Development of structural model on suicidal ideation in adolescents' exposure to violence
Effects of an extracurricular anger self-control program for nursing students
Ego-resiliency and perceived social support in late childhood: a latent growth modeling approach
Epidemiology of injuries in first division Spanish women's soccer players
Evolving disaster response practices during CoViD-19 pandemic
Inequalities in the universal right to health
Influence of size and maturity on injury in young elite soccer players
Media reports about violence against medical care providers in China
Relationships of adolescent and young couples with violent behaviors: conflict resolution strategies
Study of cyberbullying among adolescents in recent years: a bibliometric analysis
Suicide among Polish adolescents-a 20 year analysis
The airman's edge project: a peer-based, injury prevention approach to preventing military suicide
The mediating role of classroom climate on school violence
The psychology of murder concealment acts
Time in nature associated with decreased fatigue in UK truck drivers