Booster seat laws and fatalities in children 4 to 7 years of age
Buprenorphine may not be as safe as you think: a pediatric fatality from unintentional exposure
Cost-effectiveness of an injury and drowning prevention program in Bangladesh
Effectiveness of protective eyewear in reducing eye injuries among high school field hockey players
Home safety and low-income urban housing quality
Hospitalization of rural and urban infants during the first year of life
Identifying teens at risk: developmental pathways of online and offline sexual risk behavior
Pediatric inflatable bouncer-related injuries in the United States, 1990-2010
Pediatric providers' self-reported knowledge, practices, and attitudes about concussion
Pesticide exposure in children
Predictors of persistence after a positive depression screen among adolescents
Protective factors can mitigate behavior problems after prenatal cocaine and other drug exposures