A longitudinal analysis of the criminal careers of intimate partner violence offender subtypes: results from a prospective survey of males
An analysis of adverse beliefs about cyberbullying among Taiwanese adolescents
Building Nehemiah's Wall: the North Minneapolis faith community's role in the prevention of intimate partner violence
Bullying victimization, social network usage, and delinquent coping in a sample of urban youth: examining the predictions of general strain theory
Examining change in adolescent street efficacy and its association with violent outcomes
Gender differences in workplace disclosure and supports for domestic violence: results of a pan-Canadian survey
Multiple types of childhood and adult violence among homeless and unstably housed women in San Francisco
Testing a social mechanism: does alcohol outlet density moderate the relationship between levels of alcohol use and child physical abuse?
The Big Five personality traits and intimate partner violence: findings from a large, nationally representative sample
The morality of men convicted of domestic violence: how it supports the maintenance of the moral self-concept