A simulator study of driving behavior and mental workload in mixed-use arterial road environments
Analysis of bicycle crashes in Sweden involving injuries with high risk of health loss
Automobile injury trends in the contemporary fleet: belted occupants in frontal collisions
Can real-life driving ability be predicted by the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test?
Driving anger among motor vehicle drivers in China: a cross-sectional survey
Factors affecting use and nonuse of child safety car seats in Gorgan, Iran
How safe are standard certified motorcycle safety helmets? Malaysian postal delivery riders scenario
Implications of head and neck restraint test repeatability for specification improvement
Improving pedestrian safety using combined HOG and Haar partial detection in mobile systems
Spatial analysis of mortality rate of pedestrian accidents in Iran during 2012-2013
Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: focus on professional drivers using in-depth crash data
Trends and patterns in fatal US motorcycle crashes, 2000-2016