A paradigm for the telephonic assessment of suicidal ideation
Chain of care for patients with intentional self-harm: an effective strategy to reduce suicide rates?
Does a gatekeeper suicide prevention program work in a school setting? Evaluating training outcome and moderators of effectiveness
Emotional impact of a video-based suicide prevention program on suicidal viewers and suicide survivors
No evidence of suicide increase following terrorist attacks in the United States: an interrupted time-series analysis of September 11 and Oklahoma City
Nonfatal suicidal behavior among Chinese women who have been physically abused by their male intimate partners
Nonsuicidal self-injury in college students: the role of perfectionism and rumination
Suicidal Behaviors in Surviving Monozygotic and Dizygotic Co-Twins: Is the Nature of the Co-Twin's Cause of Death a Factor?
Support groups for suicide survivors: results of a survey of group leaders
Thoughts of death and suicide in early adolescence
What does psychological autopsy study tell us about charcoal burning suicide-a new and contagious method in Asia?