An Investigation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depressive Symptomatology among Female Victimsof Interpersonal Trauma
Childhood Sexual Abuse, Other Childhood Factors, and Pathways to Survivors’ Adult Relationship Quality
Does Acceptability of Violence Impact the Relationship Between Satisfaction, Victimization, and Commitment Levels in Emerging Adult Dating Relationships?
Does Eligibility for Protection Orders Prevent Repeat Abuse of Domestic Abuse Victims in Caribbean States?
Domestic Violence and Family Dysfunction as Risk Factor for Violent Behavior among University Students in North Jordan
Female Sex Offenders: A Controlled Comparison of Offender and Victim/Crime Characteristics
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Relationship Adjustment, and Relationship Aggression in a Sample of Female Flood Victims
Predictability of Physical and Psychological Violence by Early Adverse Childhood Experiences