A cohort study of 20 822 young drivers: the DRIVE study methods and population
Are Editors free from bias? The special case of Letters to the Editor
Beliefs and practices to prevent drowning among Vietnamese-American adolescents and parents
Bridging the gap between research and practice: a continuing challenge
Creation of a register on alcohol-impaired driving
Drinking, drugs and driving in Ireland: more evidence for action
Evidence into practice: combining the art and science of injury prevention
From targeted "black spots" to area-wide pedestrian safety
Injury prevention policy forum
Motor vehicle crash pedestrian deaths in New York City: the plight of the older pedestrian
Non-firearm weapon use and injury severity: priorities for prevention
Prevalence of helmet use among motorcycle riders in Vietnam
Public road transport crashes in a low income country
Risk factors for unintentional injuries due to falls in children aged 0-6 years: a systematic review
Seat belt use among Hispanic ethnic subgroups of national origin