Consultants as victims of bullying and undermining: a survey of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists consultant experiences
Disclosing victimisation to healthcare professionals in Sweden: a constructivist grounded theory study of experiences among men exposed to interpersonal violence
Effect of affordable technology on physical activity levels and mobility outcomes in rehabilitation: a protocol for the Activity and MObility UsiNg Technology (AMOUNT) rehabilitation trial
Effect of sex and age on the association between suicidal behaviour and obesity in Korean adults: a cross-sectional nationwide study
Establishing the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and student experience of a Simulation-based education Training program On the Prevention of Falls (STOP-Falls) among hospitalised inpatients: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Gender-based violence and absent fathers: a scoping review protocol
Investigating the relationship between substance use and sexual behaviour in young people in Britain: findings from a national probability survey
Predictors of seeking emergency medical help during overdose events in a provincial naloxone distribution programme: a retrospective analysis
Quantifying alcohol-related emergency admissions in a UK tertiary referral hospital: a cross-sectional study of chronic alcohol dependency and acute alcohol intoxication
Risk factors of direct heat-related hospital admissions during the 2009 heatwave in Adelaide, Australia: a matched case-control study
Validation of the Compassion Fatigue Short Scale among Chinese medical workers and firefighters: a cross-sectional study
Who actually receives cell phone use while driving citations and how much are these laws enforced among states? A descriptive, cross-sectional study