Capacity, capacity drop, and relation of capacity to the path width in bicycle traffic
Comparison of traffic conflict indicators for crash estimation using peak over threshold approach
Driver behavior in response to flashing lights
Dynamic cooperative speed optimization at signalized arterials with various platoons
Examining the equity impacts of autonomous vehicles: a travel demand model approach
Factors influencing electric bike share ridership: analysis of Park City, Utah
Identification of time-of-day breakpoints based on trajectory data of probe vehicles
Implementing low-stress bicycle routing in national accessibility evaluation
Improving damping properties of railway ballast by addition of tire-derived aggregate
Individual truck speed estimation from advanced single inductive loops
Industry stakeholder perspectives on the adoption of electric bicycles in British Columbia
Lane change rates at freeway weaving sites: trends in HCM6 and from NGSIM trajectories
Large-scale bicycle flow experiment: setup and implementation
Measuring the effectiveness of vehicle inspection regulations in different states of the U.S
Modeling maneuverability of motorized two-wheelers during filtering in urban roads
Pedestrian count expansion methods: bridging the gap between land use groups and empirical clusters
Quantifying the potential impact of autonomous vehicle adoption on government finances
Real-time dynamic traffic control based on traffic-state estimation
Role of public transportation in a natural disaster state of emergency declaration
Safety performance functions for low-volume rural stop-controlled intersections
What kind of people use carsharing for commuting? Case study in Shanghai
Width-based cell transmission model for heterogeneous and undisciplined traffic streams