A hybrid model for driver emotion detection using feature fusion approach
A visualization analysis of crisis and risk communication research using citespace
Acceptability and preliminary results of technology-assisted balance training in Parkinson's disease
Continuing bonds after loss by suicide: a systematic review
Conventional event tree analysis on emergency release of liquefied natural gas
Correlates of active commuting to school among Portuguese adolescents: an ecological model approach
Dilemmas and repercussions of workplace violence against emergency nurses: a qualitative study
Does the implementation of ride-hailing services affect urban road safety? The experience of Madrid
Experiences of bereaved families by suicide in South Korea: a phenomenological study
Impact of weather on pedestrians' slip risk
Increased odds for depression and antidepressant use in the inactive Spanish population
Inequalities of suicide mortality across urban and rural areas: a literature review
Intimate partner violence and mental health during lockdown of the CoViD-19 pandemic
Promoting mental health and wellbeing in multicultural Australia: a collaborative regional approach
Risk assessment matrices for workplace hazards: design for usability