A longitudinal multilevel study of individual characteristics and classroom norms in explaining bullying behaviors
Common versus specific correlates of fifth-grade conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms: comparison of three racial/ethnic groups
Detained male adolescent offender's emotional, physical and sexual maltreatment profiles and their associations to psychiatric disorders and criminal behaviors
Dispositional and environmental predictors of the development of internalizing problems in childhood: testing a multilevel model
Early childhood father absence and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls from a UK cohort: the mediating role of early menarche
Identifying moderators of the link between parent and child anxiety sensitivity: the roles of gender, positive parenting, and corporal punishment
Longitudinal links between perfectionism and depression in children
Multi-level risk factors for suicidal ideation among at-risk adolescent females: the role of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses to stress
Paediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Depressive Symptoms: Clinical Correlates and CBT Treatment Outcomes
Peer preference and friendship quantity in children with externalizing behavior: distinct influences on bully status and victim status
Test of "facilitation" vs. "proximal process" moderator models for the effects of multisystemic therapy on adolescents with severe conduct problem