Epidemiological knowledge and clinical truth: objectivity and clinical practice
Epidemiological knowledge and clinical truth: Objectivity and clinical practice Savoir épidémiologique et vérité clinique: Objectivité et clinique
High-risk suicide attempts: intent and severity
High-risk suicide attempts: Intention and severity ;; Les tentatives de suicide à haut risque: Intention et gravité
Suicide in psychiatric and non-psychiatric populations
Suicide: Study of events related to mental behavior patterns of individuals at high risk: From the emergency ward of a general hospital ;; Le suicide: Étude des évènements en relation avec des modes de fonctionnement psychique de certains sujets à haut risque suicidaire: A partir d'un service d'urgence d'un hôpital général
Suicide: study of events related to patterns of mental functioning of certain subjects at high risk for suicide. Data from the emergency service of a general hospital