A systematic review for the effects of television viewing by infants and preschoolers
Childhood depressive symptoms and early onset of alcohol use
Cost-outcome analysis of booster seats for auto occupants aged 4 to 7 years
Counseling about firearms: Proposed legislation is a threat to physicians and their patients
Effects of graduated driver licensing on fatalities in 16-year-olds
Illness and injury among children attending summer camp in the United States, 2005
Pediatric cyanide poisoning: causes, manifestations, management, and unmet needs
Pediatric disaster preparedness: what do we do next?
Reducing children's television-viewing time: a qualitative study of parents and their children
School bus-related injuries among children and teenagers in the United States, 2001-2003
The National Children's Study: a 21-year prospective study of 100,000 American children
The potential impact of poison control centers on rural hospitalization rates for poisoning
The prevalence of dextromethorphan abuse among high school students